A Woman comparing Telfast® with another medicine in the allergy aisle at a store, looking approvingly towards Telfast®.

Get the Telfast® Benefits

Do what you want. Go where you want. Any time of year. Live your greatness — without tough allergies.

Telfast® is:

  Fastest* non-drowsy allergy** relief 1,2,3,4

  Provides long-lasting allergy relief for 24 hrs 5

  Effective relief from multiple symptoms of allergies 5

Product shots of Telfast® 120 & 180mg Tablets

Telfast® is here to help

Telfast® helps you live your best life by relieving many tough allergy symptoms when taken at the first sign of allergies.

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*Fastest non-drowsy allergy relief that starts working in 1 hour. Applies to first dose only. Among single-ingredient OTC branded oral antihistamines. **Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis Symptoms.*** Among single-ingredient oral antihistamines and multi-ingredient oral antihistamine and decongestant brands.