In this page you will find information about

Here’s what “allergy” actually means
If you’re allergic, you’ll recognize these symptoms
How to cope
Telfast® is here to help fight outdoor allergies

Here’s what “allergy” actually means

An allergic reaction is the result of your immune system responding to an allergen, which is basically an irritant. When your body responds to an allergen, it produces antibodies called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). That causes your cells to release chemicals to rid the body of allergens. All those allergic symptoms — the sneezing, coughing,* and congestion* — are evidence of your body’s self-defense.3

If you’re allergic, you’ll recognize these symptoms

Whenever pollen in the air increases, so can allergic reactions. Your body can be allergic to any type of pollen and as the many different pollen counts fluctuate, an allergic reaction can be triggered.3

The common signs and symptoms of adult outdoor allergies include:2

  Runny/stuffy nose*
  Itchy, red, and/or watery eyes*
  General congestion or sinus pressure*

If you experience any of these symptoms, we recommend speaking with your primary care provider or an allergist. Discuss your symptoms and get a diagnosis.

How to cope

It’s very difficult to avoid plant pollen, but there are a few things you can do:2,4,5

  When you’re inside, keep doors and windows shut

  Run an air conditioner or air filter with certified allergy and asthma filters

  Avoid outdoor activities between 11:00 a.m.–3:00 p.m., when pollen counts are highest

  Wear a pollen mask

  Shower after being outdoors

  Avoid chores like mowing the lawn or raking leaves

A woman stands outdoor confidently

Telfast® is here to help fight outdoor allergies

Telfast® works to block histamines, providing 24-hour relief from allergy symptoms.

Telfast® helps you live your best life by relieving many common outdoor allergy symptoms. If you experience sneezing, runny nose, itchy, watery eyes, or an itchy nose or throat, Telfast® can help.6 For nasal congestion, sinus congestion and pressure, swelling of nasal passages, and other allergy symptoms, try Telfast-D®.7

No matter which product you choose, you can feel good knowing Telfast® is the #1 allergist-recommended non-drowsy brand of adult OTC antihistamines.* 

Find the Telfast® product that’s right for you.

Recommended Reading

* Among oral antihistamines.