In this page you will find information about

The most typical symptoms of indoor allergies for kids
How to eliminate allergy triggers
What you can do about indoor allergens

The most typical symptoms of indoor allergies include:2

Allergies happen when a body detects an allergen. The body produces antibodies, which produce allergic symptoms. The most typical symptoms of indoor allergies include:2

  Runny nose
  Itchy or watery eyes

First, see a doctor

If indoor allergies are making life uncomfortable for your child, start by making an appointment with their pediatrician or an allergist. A doctor will be able to run tests to see if your child has a sensitivity to one or more of the most common indoor allergens.

Eliminate allergy triggers and make things a little less sneezy

Once allergies are confirmed, here’s what to do: Clean house!

Allergens are practically everywhere. So the best way to get rid of symptoms is to get rid of the triggers. Here are the most common places to find them:3

  Damp and humid areas
  Indoor plants
  Pillows and bedding
  Plush furniture
  Plush toys
  Unsealed mattresses
  Wall-to-wall carpet

What you can do about indoor allergens

Obviously, adding a bunch of new cleaning chores may not be practical. But you can use this list as a place to start:

 Control dust mites3

  • Use low-pile carpets, washable rugs, hardwood, linoleum, or tile
  • Put sealed, allergen-resistant covers on pillows and mattresses
  • Wash bedding, pillows, and stuffed toys in water that’s at least 55°C; dry them in a hot dryer


 Reduce mold1,3

  • Use dehumidifiers to reduce moisture in the bathroom, kitchen, and basement
  • Fix leaks quickly
  • Remove mold from hard surfaces


 Minimize pet dander3

  • Before getting a pet, ask an allergist to determine if your kids are allergic
  • Keep pets out of the bedroom
  • Wash and change pet beds and toys often


 Keep the air clean3

  • Increase the flow of outdoor air
  • Use air cleaners with certified allergy and asthma filters
  • Vacuum frequently with certified allergy and asthma filters


 Control cockroaches1,3

  • Cover food, garbage, and recyclables; take things out quickly
  • Wipe surfaces, vacuum, and sweep after meals
  • Clean under stoves, refrigerators, or toasters where crumbs can accumulate

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