In this page you will find information about

Sandstorm allergy symptoms
Health advice for sandstorms

Sandstorm symptoms

Even if you do not fall into any of the categories above, your may still be affected during or following a sandstorm. Among the most common respiratory complaints are:

  Runny nose
  Stuffy (Congested) nose

Larger sand or dust particles typically get into your eyes, nose and throat causing inflammation and irritation, which explains why coughs, nasal congestion and redness around the eyes can occur. However, smaller particles can be carried deeper into your respiratory tract towards your lungs, leading to breathing problems or chest pain.

If you suffer from an allergy or respiratory disease, sandstorms can trigger a worsening of your regular symptoms. As an allergy sufferer you may experience a runny, stuffy or itchy nose, watery eyes and a sore throat. If you’re an asthmatic, you may notice you are coughing or wheezing more frequently or heavily than normal, feel tightness in your chest or be short of breath; the worsening symptoms could also lead to an asthma attack.

For most of us the symptoms caused by sandstorms are short-lived, but if you find symptoms persist or worsen you should seek medical attention. If you have a pre-existing medical condition, you should visit your doctor to develop a management or response plan for dealing with any health changes in the event of a sandstorm.

Health advice for sandstorms

There are several steps you can take in order to minimize your exposure to sandstorms, these include:

If possible, remain indoors and keep all windows and doors firmly closed. If you do have to venture outside, stick to sheltered areas, avoid periods where the winds are at their strongest or visibility at its lowest, and keep time outdoors to a minimum.

Stay up-to-date with the weather. Sandstorms can often be predicted, and if one is forecast you can plan your activities accordingly.

Use a mask or damp cloth to keep your mouth and nose covered when outside.

Carry water with you and remain hydrated.

Allergy sufferers may want to take an antihistamine and decongestant. Telfast tablets is the drug of choice, it will help the immediate and long term relief of the nasal congestion which helps in getting rid of the annoying self of head fullness and difficulty in breathing, Telfast 180 alleviates the symptoms.2

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