Understanding Allergies

Get information about allergies and advice on how to relieve symptoms so you can live with relief.

In this page you will find information about

Allergy Triggers
Allergy Symptoms
Advice for Adult Allergies
Advice for Kid's Allergies

Adult Indoor Allergies

People spend most of their time indoors. Some Pollutants may be 2–5-fold more concentrated inside than outside buildings.1

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Allergy Triggers

The most common allergy triggers — and what to do about them.

Temperature change

Individuals with persistent allergic rhinitis are more prone to develop respiratory and ocular symptoms after exposure to sudden temperature changes.

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Dust Allergies

Dust mites are tiny organisms that can barely be seen by the naked eye. A dust mite allergy can even trigger asthma and eczema.

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Seasonal Allergies

Allergy season is different for everyone. That’s because different kinds of outdoor allergens — or irritants — get distributed into the air year-round.

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Pollution Allergy

Air pollution is the fourth greatest threat to public health after cancer, heart disease and obesity.

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Pet Allergies

Allergies to pets with fur are common. It's often difficult or impossible to eliminate completely your exposure to animal allergens.

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Mold Allergies

Mold and mildew are fungi that lives everywhere. So if you have persistent allergicsymptoms that occur through several seasons, you might be allergic to mold.

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Allergy Symptoms

The most common allergy symptoms

Allergies vs Cold: Understand the Difference

Seasonal allergies and the common cold can be so much alike that it's sometimes hard to tell the two apart. But look closely and you can find clues about what's going on.

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Allergic Rhinitis or Hay Fever, Happens when you breath in something to which you are allergic, and the inside of your nose becomes inflamed and swollen

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Hives and skin allergies

Hives (urticaria) are red, itchy welts that result from a skin reaction. The welts vary in size and appear and fade repeatedly as the reaction runs its course

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Advice for Adult Allergies

Avoid your allergens. This is very important but not always easy. Some allergens are easier to avoid than others. When you can’t avoid an allergen, try to reduce your contact with it.2

Adult Outdoor Allergies

Outdoor allergy sufferers: You’re not alone!

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Adult Indoor Allergies

There’s no place like home … for allergies! Just stepping indoors — at home, work, or school — exposes you to numerous allergens.

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Advice for Kids' Allergies

Give your children non-sedating allergy relief that lasts through the school day and beyond.3

Children's Outdoor Allergies

Nearly 5.2 million children under age 18 experience hay fever in the past 12 months and 7.1 million have respiratory allergies

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Children's Indoor Allergies

For kids dealing with indoor allergies, Some pollutants may be 2–5-fold more concentrated inside than outside buildings.

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